B2B Sales Enablement: What Sales Teams Need To Close Deals

Nina Butler
May 10, 2023
 min read

Imagine this: your sales team runs like a well-oiled machine. Always prepared, confident in their approach, and closing deal after deal. They expertly anticipate customer needs and handle objections with ease. Their momentum only grows as they keep stacking up wins, becoming one of the top performing teams in your industry.

Sounds too good to be true? 

Well, that's exactly the vision that today's top sales enablement teams strive to achieve. In fact, a staggering 84% of sales reps achieve their quotas when their employer incorporates a best-in-class sales enablement strategy.

In this in-depth guide, we'll give you all the tools you need to start building or improving upon your sales enablement program for your organization. You'll walk away with a better understanding of the strategies and tactics that drive success.

We’ll cover:

  • Why is Sales Enablement Important?
  • Creating a Sales Enablement Strategy That Wins Deals
  • Effective Sales Enablement Tools and Technologies
  • Equip Your Sales Team for Success
  • Closing Thoughts

Let's start enabling.

Why is Sales Enablement Important?

Sales enablement is vital for businesses that want to stay ahead of the competition. But what exactly is it, anyway? And why is it so important? Let's take a closer look.

Aligning Sales and Marketing Teams

With 65% of sales reps reporting they can't find content to send to prospects, it's clear that many organizations suffer from a communication breakdown between sales and marketing teams. One of the key benefits of sales enablement is its ability to rectify this.

Sales enablement solves the problem by streamlining communication, ensuring that both teams are working towards common goals. Furthermore, increased alignment with marketing helps sales teams more effectively target their prospects with content that drives revenue growth.

Enhancing Sales Skills and Performance

Providing sales teams with the skills and resources they need to level up their performance is a critical part of every sales leader's job. That means providing access to tailored training programs, relevant content, and easy-to-use platforms that streamline your sales team's work.

It's no surprise that while only 37% of sales people leverage sales enablement resources and strategies in their work, 88% of those who do say it's critical in making the sale. By investing in the right resources and support, you'll empower your reps to consistently close deals and exceed performance expectations.

Shortening the Sales Cycle

Sales velocity can have a huge impact on your bottom line. Sales enablement helps to achieve this by providing sales reps with the tools and insights they need to engage with prospects effectively – enabling them to pinpoint opportunities to close deals faster.

In 2023, most buyers choose the vendor that's the first to show value – so it's no wonder sales enablement programs can increase deal closure rates by 25%. It's a smart way to accelerate your sales process and take advantage of opportunities as soon as they arise.

Better Understanding of Buyer Personas and Decision Makers

Sales enablement is also essential for helping sales teams gain a deeper understanding of their target audience, including buyer personas and decision-makers. By equipping reps with relevant information about their prospects' needs, pain points, and motivations, sales enablement allows them to tailor their approach and communicate more effectively.

This understanding not only leads to better customer experiences but a higher likelihood of closing deals. Sales enablement strategies, therefore, play a crucial role in helping businesses adapt to the ever-changing needs of their customers and stay ahead in the competitive marketplace.

Creating a Sales Enablement Strategy That Wins Deals

Creating a winning sales enablement strategy is crucial for businesses that want to drive revenue growth and close more deals. Companies with a strong sales enablement program report a 15.3% increase in win rates, compared to those without one. Here's a step-by-step guide for developing your sales enablement strategy.

Prepare Your Sales Enablement Team

Start by bringing together a strong sales enablement team and stack it with experts across sales training, content creation, sales operations, and sales management. You'll want a well-rounded sales enablement manager who brings both hard and soft skills to the table. If you’re looking to recruit for the role, job descriptions should include data-driven thinking, tech savviness, project management, communication, and active listening abilities.

Once your team is in place, get everyone aligned with the company's business goals. Hold a kick-off meeting where you introduce the team's objectives and how they link to the company mission. Discuss expectations and define specific metrics that will be used to track progress.

Plan Relevant Training

Providing ongoing training that aligns with your organization's objectives is one of the most important ways to give your reps the knowledge and skills they need to excel in their roles and start exceeding quotas.

Provide comprehensive onboarding. When you welcome new reps to the team, it's crucial to provide a comprehensive onboarding that enables them to hit the ground running. It takes an average of 11 months for a new sales rep to reach full productivity, so providing comprehensive training is critical.

Implement microlearning. Incorporating microlessons into your training is a great way to help your reps grasp key concepts faster. By breaking complex topics into digestible chunks and seeing how they apply in real-world scenarios, you'll improve retention and help your reps perform better in their roles.

Focus on the customer. If your training program doesn't focus on the challenges and pain points of your target audience, it's a waste of time. Your sales reps need to understand their prospects' needs and motivations to close deals quickly. If your training doesn't help them do that, it's not worth doing.

Make Sales Collateral More Accessible

Finding relevant content to send to prospects is one of the biggest challenges sales reps deal with. To make it simple, gather all your sales presentations, product demos, case studies, email templates, and other materials in a central repository that's easy to access for your sales team.

Regie.ai has a built in content management system designed for GTM teams to use in their sales process. It’s also the only smart CMS on the market that uses content already created to help with net new sales messaging creation.

Continue to work with marketing to create compelling content that engages prospects and guides them through the buyer's journey. Equip your sales reps with high-quality content that speaks to the needs of their target audience, and provide them with customizable email templates to streamline communication and ensure a consistent brand message.

Make Learning Continuous

Sales enablement is never done. It's all about ongoing learning, improvement, and refinement. Developing your sales enablement strategy over time will equip your reps with the tools, insights, and techniques they need to drive revenue growth.

Adapt to your buyers' needs. Stay informed about changes in your target audience's preferences and needs, and adjust your training and content to reflect these shifts. By staying current, you'll ensure that your sales enablement strategy is effective and help your sales reps stay ahead of the competition.

Encourage feedback. Encourage your sales reps to share their insights, challenges, and successes with the sales enablement team. By creating a culture of feedback and a dedicated feedback loop, you'll be able to pinpoint ways you can improve your training programs to better support your sales team.

Take advantage of technology. Use learning management systems (LMS) to deliver training content, CRM systems to manage customer relationships, and sales enablement platforms like Regie.ai to organize and share sales collateral. By leveraging tech solutions, you'll build a top-performing sales operation and win deals more efficiently.

Effective Sales Enablement Tools and Technologies

You're ready to build your sales enablement function – but how can you use the right combination of people, processes, and tech to bring it all together? Let's take a closer look.

Align Sales Strategy with Marketing Efforts

A strong alignment between sales and marketing teams can lead to 38% higher sales win rates and 36% higher customer retention rates.

Really getting aligned takes hard work. You'll need to collaborate with marketing on shared goals and objectives, establish open communication channels, share customer data between your teams, and collaborate on creating marketing material for sales.

By taking these steps, you'll ensure that everyone's rowing in the same direction, optimizing their efforts, and sending a consistent message to prospects and customers.

Identify Potential Customers and Target Accounts

Building a system for identifying potential customers and target accounts is crucial for focusing your sales team's efforts. Here's how to get started.

  • Develop buyer personas: Create detailed profiles of your ideal customers based on demographics, psychographics, and pain points.
  • Use market research: Use customer research and analytics to identify high-potential prospects that correspond to your ideal buyer persona.
  • Segment your audience: Break down your target audience into groups based on characteristics like industry, company size, and location.
  • Build lead list: Modern-day B2B prospecting includes the use of sales intelligence tools. Earlier, businesses were having very few choices like ZoomInfo and D&B. However, today, there are alternatives available. You can go with the best ZoomInfo alternative or D&B alternative for your business.
  • Use lead scoring: Assign a score to each lead based on their level of engagement and likelihood to convert so you can prioritize follow-up efforts.

Close Deals by Understanding the Customer's Journey

Research shows that typically, 50% of leads are qualified but not yet ready to buy. And that means nurturing your leads is critical.

A deep understanding of your customers' journey can help your sales reps nurture leads through every step of the customer journey, boosting their chances of closing the deal:

  • Map customer journey: Visualize the path your customers take from initial awareness to making a purchase.
  • Identify touchpoints: Determine the key moments where customers interact with your brand, and use those opportunities to build relationships with customers.
  • Provide valuable content: Share relevant resources and information with prospects that address their specific needs and pain points.
  • Personalize the pitch: Tailor your sales pitch to each customer based on their unique needs, preferences, and pain points.

The Regie.ai Chrome extension allows SDRs and Account Executives to streamline prospect research and personalized messaging creation processes. Download it for free today.

Build the Right Sales Enablement Tech Stack

In addition to sales enablement software, sales teams need a well-rounded tech stack that can handle the various needs of sales reps:

  • A solid CRM for managing customer relationships, like Salesforce.com
  • Sales engagement platforms for automating outreach and follow-ups, like Outreach.io
  • Content management systems for organizing and sharing sales collateral, like Regie.ai
  • Analytics tools for tracking performance and identifying trends, like 6sense
  • Learning management systems for delivering training and onboarding new reps, like Lessonly

Integrating with Marketing Campaigns

If you want to take your sales enablement to the next level, it's critical to integrate sales enablement with your marketing campaigns. By doing that, you'll create a cohesive customer journey and ensure that marketing and sales are aligned – enabling sales reps to leverage marketing content and win deals with ease.

That's where Regie.ai can level up your sales team. By giving your reps access to an AI that can generate content based on all the sales and marketing materials they need – like case studies, social posts, cadences, blogs, and more – you'll keep everyone on the same page. 

That way, your sales reps can connect with prospects in a more personalized and effective way, leading to deeper conversations that drive more sales.

Sales Enablement Needs to Automate the Repetitive

Your sales reps were hired to sell — not do admin work. Equipping your teams with the right sales enablement software and automation tools can streamline everything from lead nurturing to content delivery to analytics. 

By automating repetitive tasks, they enable your sales reps to focus on high-value activities and win more deals.

Regie.ai can drastically reduce the time it takes to accomplish tasks like:

  • Researching and personalizing emails
  • Development of custom sales sequences
  • Engaging with customers more effectively from your sales engagement platform
  • Scalability and adaptability to meet the needs of enterprise sales teams

That way, your sales enablement teams can spend less time training and reminding reps where to find content and focus on what they do best: building relationships with prospects and customers.

Closing Thoughts

Driving revenue growth in B2B starts with sales enablement. Companies with strong sales enablement programs have 32% higher team sales quota attainment and 24% better individual quota achievement.

By investing in sales enablement, your business can empower your sales reps to start closing deals consistently – and get an edge on the competition.

Ready to start closing more deals? Get your sales process dialed in with our deep dive, Tools and Strategies For Fine-Tuning Every Sales Cycle Stage.
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