Meet the New Regie Call Script Builder

Rocco Savage
September 28, 2021
 min read

Ring ring.

Regie calling- and we have news. 

Sales calls just got easier with our new call script builder. We’ve said it was coming, and now it’s here. The same dedication to data, tonality and bias mitigation that we put into our email copy is now available for call scripts too. 

Choose from our pre-designed templates or create your own with the help of our call script builder, and ensure that the time your team spends on the phone is time well spent. 

The script builder experience is highly similar to using our campaign builder. It includes step-by-step frameworks for building a call script specifically designed to engage with your prospects and features methodologies from industry leaders. 

And, in true Regie fashion, you’ll be able to generate a call script in a matter of minutes.

Now our customers can build and attach a call script directly into their campaigns. When a campaign is exported, the call script stays connected to all relevant call tasks and inserts itself to the front page of any PDF export, so reps always have the most current copy in front of them. 

Call Script Editor

A Painless Way to Close More Deals

Not only does a call script builder mean less work for you, it means everything surrounding sales calls is improved.

  • Creation - Create scripts faster than ever before, saving time for personalization and variance between buyer personas. Eliminate guesswork and brainstorming because Regie finds the right words for you. And everything is happening in one place—the creation of the campaign and its details. 
  • Implementation - Standardize the call scripts used across your team with clearly defined use cases and high visibility. Your team can now receive virtually all the content necessary for multiple campaigns in one neatly packaged format.
  • Results - Easily refresh, track and test the strength of your call scripts with Regie. But most importantly, improve the overall effectiveness of your campaigns.

When you strengthen one channel in your campaign, you strengthen the campaign as a whole. The way Regie makes emailing easier (and better) is now possible for calls too. Contact our team to try out the call script builder for yourself.


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