What's new with Regie.ai? Q1 2023

Tom Tobin
May 1, 2023
 min read


Since this quarterly roundup focuses on what we've been up to for the beginning of 2023, we thought it might be helpful to first contextualize all this work with a look back over our journey in 2022. Then, we'll follow that up with a deep-dive into the enhancements and product updates we've made so far in 2023.

Here's what's new with Regie.ai in Q1 2023:

  • Retrospective: A look back at 2022 for Regie.ai
    • Built the world's best sales sequence editor
    • Developed a world-class, genAI-based content management system (CMS)
    • Launched an AI Toolkit for the entire revenue team
    • Released the Regie.ai Chrome Extension
  • A look towards the future: Enhancing email personalization in 2023
    • Zero-click personalization with Rapid Writer
    • Major improvements to the Regie.ai Email Analyzer tool
    • Increased functionality for the Regie.ai Chrome Extension
    • Integration with Salesforce for data-driven personalization
    • Introduction of the "Manager Dashboard" for performance insights

Read on to get the full scoop on all the latest and greatest enhancements we made to our platform this past quarter!

We're calling it now: 2022 will be known as the "year of generative artificial intelligence (genAI)."

Even though OpenAI and GPT-3 came out in 2020 on the backs of decades worth of work in large language models, deep neural networks, and AI, it was 2022 that took all of that R&D and brought it to the masses.

And the best part is that this is just the beginning for genAI and its applications for enhancing the day to day of both consumers and businesses alike.

With this explosion of technological development, the Regie.ai platform harnessed this power to offer significant enhancements to our product, specifically in our ability to unlock true personalization at scale for sales teams.

Retrospective: A look back at 2022 for Regie.ai

Informed by customer feedback, we've made immense improvements to Regie.ai, the only genAI platform built especially for enterprise sales teams. Here are some remarkable achievements from the past 12 months:

#1: We built the world's best sales sequence editor. By far.

Regie.ai built an amazing sequence creation and editing experience. We call it the Campaign Builder. Apart from creating entire email sequences in minutes, the Campaign Builder also features the following:

  • Drag-and-drop updates to sequence steps
  • Inline context menus for expanding, shortening, and rephrasing content
  • Inline access to sales collateral
  • Analysis for best practices via the email grader
  • Sequences published directly to Outreach, Salesloft, HubSpot, and other leading SEPs

#2: We also built a world-class content management system.

Regie.ai also built the world's first sales content management system (CMS) based on genAI. We realized that a CMS needs to not only store sales collateral but also needs to have the ability to analyze and produce net new for target personas. 

#3: We launched an AI Toolkit to support your whole team's content creation needs.

With the launch of our AI Toolkit, Regie.ai can now cater to the content generation needs of the entire revenue team. Our AI Toolkit contains an image creator, social post and blog creator (Regie.ai helped generate parts of this blog 😀), an AI assistant for ad creation, and state-of-the-art content translations.

#4: We launched the Regie.ai Chrome Extension.

By far, our most anticipated launch this past year has been our Chrome Extension, the first genAI extension of its kind made specifically for where SDRs and AEs work. Our Chrome Extension allows sellers to quickly personalize their emails, access the desired sales collateral and analyze them for effectiveness directly inside their native inbox or sales engagement platform (SEP). 

Our Chrome Extension is a game changer, y'all. But don't take our word for it. See what Chase Zvonek, Enterprise Sales Team Lead at Metadata.io, had to say about it recently:

Chase Zvonek of Metadata.io

This past quarter we have been obsessing over the Chrome Extension experience to make it the most helpful tool on the market for SDR and AE prospecting workflows. Specifically, it can  help you generate a personalized email by selecting three points of relevant content in under three minutes using our built-in 3x3 workflow.

Want to see how fast it can make personalization? Check out the video below:


A look towards the future: Enhancing email personalization in 2023

Now that we've recapped all the cool things that happened in 2022, it's time to focus on how we'll use that momentum to propel us to higher heights in 2023.

To build something that truly transforms the way teams go to market, we looked inward, getting to know our customers as best we could to learn the realities of their sales team's day-to-day.

Consistently we heard these three things in all of our conversations:

  • It's hard to get the data that sellers need to personalize emails required for high-value prospects because they have to be great researchers and writers to use it thoughtfully.
  • Personalization takes time, so sellers can only truly personalize a few emails daily, resulting in less activity and fewer at-bats for the team.
  • Templated emails are ruining domains and tanking response rates. We need a fix, or we'll run out of prospects to contact.

We're excited to recap our newest enhancements to the Regie.ai Chrome Extension below. These improvements will help sellers be more productive when delivering truly personalized prospecting experiences at scale, while giving sales leaders more insight into what is working and what needs coaching within their outbound messages.

Milestone #1: Zero-click personalization has officially arrived

We decided to lead off with the most exciting product update in our sights. It's a feature that’s possibly the biggest game changer in Regie.ai history.

Ready for it?

We're now introducing Rapid Writer, a new way to personalize emails automatically for any email, whether it's a manual step in your multi-touch sequence or a one off email in your inbox. We know that engagement happens with prospects throughout the entire sequence, yet many sales teams only personalize the first touch and automate the rest.

No longer, because true personalization at scale has finally arrived.

Check it out in action:

By pre-loading your personas and relevant pain points and value props into Regie.ai, you can use Rapid Writer to instantly generate three pre-written emails tailored to your next piece of outreach.

We've been making constant iterations to improve the speed and quality of Rapid Writer through carefully considered enhancements like:

Redesigned persona builder

Persona cards, which capture attributes of your core personas with links to relevant content for them, are what power your Rapid Writer outputs. We recently redesigned those cards to make it easier to build and link content for your core personas. 

Persona coverage using Rapid Writer

See how the prospects in each of your active sequences matched with the personas that you have set up in Regie.ai. This new reporting ensures that your team is sequencing the correct personas, or illuminates opportunities to expand your persona attributes to capture more people with Rapid Writer.

Customize your Rapid Writer email prompts

We now provide the ability to customize the prompts used for Rapid Writer written emails. Head into your Workspace Settings and navigate to Personalization to set up your custom email prompt.

Overall, Rapid Writer greatly improves the productivity of SDR teams and full-cycle AEs, by allowing outbound teams to be more effective while spending less time managing manual email tasks. Our SDRs have already reported a 3x increase in the number of personalized emails they send daily, all thanks to our new feature’s effectiveness.

Milestone #2: Improvements to the Regie.ai Email Analyzer tool

One of our most popular features utilized in our Chrome Extension is the Email Analyzer. While it has always provided you with real-time coaching and feedback on your email drafts, it now has the power to make those suggested improvements in real time. Up-leveling the quality of your emails is now just a click away, saving you precious minutes when it comes to prospecting effectively with email. Below, you'll find some of the latest updates to our Email Analyzer.

Subject line generator

Stumped on what to write? Instantly generate a subject line based on the content within the email's body with the click of a button. Relevant and eye-catching subject lines are essential for email deliverability and open rates.

Regie.ai email analyzer

Or, if you have your own preferred subject line, no problem. You can instantly receive coaching on your subject line length and view the alternate subject lines if it doesn't meet industry best practice:


Email grader subject line

Message length

There's a common tendency to write lengthy emails. Concise writing is challenging because we have so much we want to say to our recipients. Our Email Analyzer recommends suggested improvements for email length, which will improve your email's readability and consumption rate.

Email grader message length

Readability & spam words

Speaking of readability, on average, emails written between a 3rd and 8th-grade level have higher response rates, but adults tend to write far above that level. Our Email Analyzer will now recommend which sentences should be amended to improve the readability of your message and reduce spam words. 

Email grader readability

Email grader spam words

Whether you have writer's block or need help editing your email to completion, our Chrome Extension ensures your email follows best practices for deliverability and conversion.​

Milestone #3: Increased functionality for the Regie.ai Chrome Extension

Our Chrome Extension has quickly become the talk of the town with SDRs and AEs from some of the top tech brands turning to it to supercharge their outbound efforts and speed up their prospect research times.

With Regie.ai, researching your prospects has never been easier. At the click of a button, you can now launch our prospect lookup functionality inside our Chrome Extension to get quick access to:

  • Relevant Twitter and LinkedIn profile links
  • Current job postings from that company's LinkedIn account
  • Company news features from Google
  • Podcasts hosted by or associated with a prospect
  • Funding announcements and more

Salesforce + Regie.ai

The future of Regie.ai is bright (and full of data).

Sales is all about intercepting interest with the right buyers, at the right time, with the right message.

A big part of that workflow is likely riffling through Salesforce data to determine which titles your team is reaching out to currently, so you can focus your team on targeting more of those primary personas with the right messaging in your outbound motion.

You can now integrate Salesforce directly into Regie.ai to make that persona identification and  messaging creation process a snap. Let our AI automatically recommend new personas to add to the CMS so Rapid Writer can generate personalized emails for them at any step in your outbound motion.

Personalization at scale just gets easier and easier with Regie.ai.

Introducing the "Manager Dashboard"

Another milestone in our recent product updates marks a new chapter for sales managers everywhere. We rolled out our Manager Dashboard to give teams the ability to assess different dimensions of email performance. In other words, we created the Manager Dashboard to help you answer the question, "Are 100% of my team's manual emails being personalized?" Now you can use Regie.ai to understand the projected performance of personalized emails for your team and use the top recommendations we surface to drive improvement. 

A new view: "Extension Activity"

This new view helps sales managers monitor Regie.ai Chrome Extension usage across the team, including how many licenses are being used and by whom.​ This reporting allows you to maximize your investment while understanding its adoption across your team.

Chrome extension install and utilization view for sales managers

Email coaching insights

New insights can now help sales managers monitor the quality of their team's outbound emails created using our Chrome Extension. You can see your team's average personalized email grade while also drilling down to each rep's performance so you can provide custom coaching around top recommendations for improvement (and congratulate those on the leaderboard).​ 

This is perfect Monday morning sales team meeting fodder.

View: Team level
Team-level dashboard view
View: Rep level
Rep-level dashboard view

Furthermore, a big part of unlocking front-line team success is being able to diagnose and manage great, repeatable behavior as a sales manager. This is why our Manager Dashboard also captures:

  • Email adjustment rate: Know the percentage of change between a sequence template and the sent email to understand just how far reps are taking personalization and uniqueness with manual emails.
  • Time spent writing emails: Know the average time spent writing emails so you can coach your team to invest the right level of effort into their prospecting emails (we recommend three minutes or less).

These insights can be filtered by custom date range and Workspace, allowing you to drill down to exactly the slice of data you need:

The average response rate for advanced personalized emails is 17% which is nearly double for emails without. Personalized emails get replies. Period. Regie.ai can now help you coach to that.

A heartfelt "thank you" from all of us at Regie.ai

We're grateful that despite the macro environment, we've kept the Regie.ai team growing this past year, nearly quadrupling our team while raising a Series A round led by Scale Venture Partners.

We do not take this social responsibility lightly and thank everyone who believes in our product and our team and for providing many bright spots for us this past year. 

In 2023, Regie.ai will be your ultimate companion in content creation and personalized prospecting. This year marks the beginning of AI's game-changing impact on front-line sales teams, from perfecting your cold outbound personalization to understanding how personalization impacts your ability to open new business.

AI for sales has arrived, and Regie.ai is honored to usher in this new way of doing business.

Want to personalize your emails in just seconds?

Download our Google Chrome Extension to get started!

Download the Regie.ai Chrome extension

Want to see these updates in action?

Book a demo with a sales rep today!

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