How to use AI for cold calling: 12 ways AI can transform your call channel

Srinath Sridhar
September 26, 2024
 min read


Let's face it: cold calling isn’t most sellers’ favorite activity. But the good news here is taht AI is poised to give this “necessary evil” tactic a much-needed upgrade. In this article, we'll dive into 12 innovative ways AI is transforming our cold calling strategies, making them more efficient, personalized, and downright effective. From smart lead prioritization to sentiment analysis that would make a therapist jealous, AI is able to transform almost every aspect of the cold-calling process. By leveraging this cutting-edge technology properly, our teams will be able to work smarter, not harder, so we can watch those conversion rates climb.

Key takeaways from the article:

  • Personalization at scale is no longer a pipe dream: Thanks to AI, we can now generate tailored call scripts and voicemail drops for each prospect. It's like having a personal assistant who knows exactly what to say to pique interest, minus the coffee runs.
  • Efficiency gets a serious boost: With features like parallel dialing, automated CRM updates, and intelligent task management, AI is freeing up our time for what really matters - building relationships and closing deals. No more drowning in admin work!
  • Multi-channel outreach becomes a well-orchestrated symphony: AI coordinates our efforts across various channels, ensuring our messaging stays on point and our timing is spot-on for follow-ups. 
  • Data-driven insights become your secret weapon: Call transcription, sentiment analysis, and conversation analytics? Check, check, and check. AI serves up valuable insights that help us refine our strategies and level up our skills.
  • Brand consistency becomes second nature: AI can help us ensure that all outreach aligns with current brand guidelines and messaging, presenting a unified, professional image to prospects across all interactions.

While many AI-powered cold calling solutions have emerged in recent years, most only scratch the surface of the technology’s full potential for enhancing the call channel. These tools often focus on singular aspects like power or parallel dialing or basic script generation, leaving much of the heavy lifting to reps. However, truly transformative AI technology goes far beyond these surface-level applications.

For example,'s new AI Dialer represents a leap forward in unlocking AI's full capabilities for cold calling. By seamlessly integrating multiple AI-powered features, it addresses the entire cold calling workflow - from lead prioritization to post-call follow-up. 

In this article, we’ll explore all the ways in which businesses can use AI to supercharge their cold-calling efforts. To ground you in examples and facts, we’ll speak to how our own AI Dialer works and the results it’s driven for customers (including ourselves) so far.

Specifically, these are the most common use cases for using AI in cold-calling – and will therefore be the focus of this article:

  1. Prioritizing high-intent leads
  2. Automating multi-line or “parallel” dialing
  3. Kicking off calls with personalized intro lines
  4. Generating hyper-personalized call scripts
  5. Leaving personalized voicemail drops
  6. Orchestrating multi-channel follow-ups
  7. Transcribing calls
  8. Providing sentiment & conversation analysis
  9. Upskilling sales reps through call insights & training
  10. Streamlining CRM updates & task management
  11. Ensuring brand consistency & alignment
  12. Unifying your tech stack

Let’s dive in!

Use case #1: Prioritizing high-intent leads

One of the biggest challenges in cold calling — or any prospecting activity, for that matter — is knowing which leads to spend your team’s energy on. The great news here is that this is just the kind of activity that AI does best: ingest hundreds or thousands of data points, analyze them, and — based on your criteria — determine which leads are most likely to convert.'s AI Dialer takes this a step further by continuously monitoring for positive intent signals. When it detects high-intent leads, it automatically creates priority call tasks for reps. This ensures your team is always focusing on the warmest leads, dramatically increasing the chances of successful connections and conversions.

Let’s break down how it finds these prospects:

  • Existing prospects: Regie’s AI looks for intent signals from existing prospects in your database, such as website visits, search behavior, and prior engagement. Then, it uses this information to prioritize them for outreach.
  • Net-new prospects at existing accounts: The AI can also find net-new prospects who match your ICP, but aren’t already in your database; it does this specifically by monitoring intent signals from the accounts they belong to and then adds them to your CRM for engagement.
  • Net-new prospects at net-new accounts: The AI Dialer can also discover net-new accounts that aren’t already in your database; it does this specifically by monitoring visits to your website and revealing the accounts that those visitors belong to. Then, it adds those accounts to your CRM, finds ICP leads at each, and prioritizes them for outreach.

The AI Dialer uses all this information to build a highly curated call list that contains only the most receptive and/or engaged prospects. This process helps ensure that your reps are reaching out to the people who are ready to talk – thereby increasing the likelihood of having more productive and meaningful conversations that could eventually lead to closed deals.

This is the magic of AI when you use it properly: it can replace blind dialing with laser-focused outreach, putting you in contact with prospects with a higher chance of converting. It can do this process faster and more efficiently than humans, thus increasing the success rates of your outreach. 


Use case #2: Automating multi-line or “parallel” dialing

Remember the days of single-line dialing, when you'd spend hours just trying to make a few connections? (We shudder to think back to when we were doing that manually.) It’s undeniable that AI-powered parallel dialers have changed the game. These systems can call multiple numbers simultaneously, significantly boosting productivity.

With advanced AI dialers like our AI Dialer, a rep can call multiple lines at once — which means that they can increase their likelihood of getting more connects. 

For example: our own SDR team has been using our parallel dialer for months, and — as a result — they’ve seen a 5x lift in call connects compared to what they used to get with single-line dialing. This means your reps spend less time listening to dial tones and more time having meaningful conversations with prospects. That's the power of AI-driven efficiency.

On top of all this, parallel dialers can also provide your team with valuable data and insights. They can track call metrics, such as connection rates, voicemail drop rates, and average call duration. This data is a goldmine for analyzing the effectiveness of your cold-calling strategies and identifying areas for improvement. For example, you might discover that a specific calling time yields higher connect rates or that a particular opener resonates better with prospects.

Use case #3: Kicking off calls with personalized intro lines 

Imagine this (all-too-common) scenario: you're using a parallel dialer to call multiple numbers at once. Great, right? But then someone picks up, and there's that awkward pause - that dreaded dead air - while you wait to get bridged into the call. 

We've all been there, and it's not a great way to start a conversation. But the great news here is that AI is poised to change all that – making parallel dialing everyone’s favorite cold-calling tool once again.

Here’s how we’ve specifically set this up with our AI Dialer. 

  • Each rep on your team can have their voice replicated using modern text-to-speech technology.
  • When a rep starts using the parallel dialer function, the AI is running in the background to analyze each prospect’s data to generate the perfect intro line that’s customized to them and their specific situation (e.g., name, company, location, etc.).
  • If a prospect picks up, the AI doesn’t miss a beat: it can detect if the pick up is a human or an answering machine, and if human, rapidly reads off a short and personalized intro script (in your rep’s voice) to kick off the call.
  • Once it’s done, it passes the call over to the human rep to take over the conversation and continue the back and forth with the prospect. 

Pretty cool, right? This process allows for a seamless calling experience.

Here's how our AI Dialer can change your game in this respect:

  1. No more dead air: We know we’re harping on this point, but it’s a big one. As soon as someone picks up, the AI kicks in with a personalized intro. This is completely state-of-the-art. No awkward silence, no fumbling. It's smooth and professional from the get-go.
  2. It sounds like you: We aren’t talking about some robotic voice here. The AI uses your rep’s actual voice, so it feels natural and personal. 
  3. Hyper-personalized to each prospect: This isn't a one-size-fits-all intro or a generic pre-recorded message. The AI tailors each intro to the specific prospect, mentioning their name, company, or even recent news about their industry. It's the kind of personalization that makes prospects sit up and take notice.
  4. Buys you time: While the AI is handling the intro, your reps have a moment to get oriented. They can quickly review the prospect's info and read the automatically generated call script the Dialer prepped for them (see more on this later). By the time your reps take over, they’re fully ready to engage in a relevant conversation.
  5. Consistent quality: Let's face it, we all have off days. With AI intros, every call starts with the same high level of energy and professionalism, regardless of whether it's your first call of the day or your hundredth.
  6. Scalability without sacrificing personalization: You can reach more prospects without losing that crucial personal touch. 

Here's the bottom line: AI-automated intro lines are solving one of the biggest challenges of parallel dialing. They're eliminating that awkward dead air, ensuring every call starts strong, and giving you the best possible chance to engage your prospect from the very first second.

By leveraging this technology, you aren’t just making more calls - you're making better calls. And in the world of sales, that can make all the difference.


Use case #4: Generating hyper-personalized call scripts 

As you know all too well, cold outreach has a few rules for best results:

  1. It's a numbers game. The more people you reach out to, the more people you close.
  2. Your conversation has to be personalized. You can't use the same script for everyone, and you also have to be willing to deviate from the script if the conversation goes in a different direction. In short: it has to be dynamic and change according to the prospect's needs.

So, needless to say, personalization is a must. However, if you have to cold call hundreds of people daily, this level of personalization can be next to impossible – particularly if you’re doing parallel dialing.

That's where AI comes in. Proper AI-powered dialers can collect and analyze information about your prospect, their company, and even recent events and use this to create hyper-personalized call scripts on the fly. 

Here’s how it works with our AI Dialer: as soon as you start your call tasks, our AI instantly generates a personalized script tailored specifically to each prospect. This isn't just a generic template with a name plugged in: we're talking about a comprehensive, highly relevant script that takes into account information like:

  • The prospect’s title and professional background
  • Their company's industry and recent news
  • Specific pain points relevant to their role
  • How your solution addresses their unique needs

This level of personalization used to be impossible at scale. You might have been able to thoroughly research and craft custom scripts for a handful of high-priority prospects, but for a full day of cold calling? No way.

Now, with AI, every single call can have that level of preparation and personalization. The benefits of this approach are huge:

  1. Increased relevance: Every conversation starts on the right foot, addressing topics that matter to the specific prospect.
  2. Improved confidence: Reps always have talking points at their fingertips, reducing anxiety and improving their delivery.
  3. Better conversations: With relevant, personalized guides, you're more likely to engage prospects in meaningful dialogues.
  4. Consistent quality: Every rep, whether they're seasoned or just starting out, has access to high-quality, personalized scripts.
  5. Adaptability: Scripts can quickly adapt to new product features, market changes, or shifting customer needs.
  6. Time savings: Reps can focus on building rapport and listening to prospects instead of worrying about what to say next.

This isn't about turning your reps into robots reading from a script. Instead, it's about equipping them with the right information and talking points to have genuine, valuable guided conversations. The AI-generated script ensures key points are covered while allowing the rep's personality and expertise to shine through.

Use case #5: Leaving personalized voicemail drops

With connection rates going down industry wide, you have to leave voicemail drops to get out of brand obscurity. However, the problem is that the sheer act of leaving a voicemail for every call makes the whole process take longer. A shortcut that most sales teams have taken is to make pre-recorded voicemail drops, but those typically end up sounding generic and impersonal. 

So what’s a rep to do?

Again, this is another case in which AI can completely transform your process, making it much easier for reps and a way better experience for your buyers. Specifically, AI can significantly streamline the process of both personalizing and actually leaving voicemail drops. 

As an example, here’s how our AI Dialer handles this scenario:: 

  • First, it autonomously analyzes prospect data it pulls from your CRM, analytics systems, and other data sources. 
  • Then, it synthesizes that information and generates highly personalized and contextual voicemail drops for each prospect. 
  • Finally, it generates the voicemail drop using your rep’s actual voice, allowing for greater personalization.

Using personalized voicemail drops helps your team get around this “necessary evil” time suck. And – more importantly – the combo of content and voice personalization can grab your prospect’s attention and make the message more relevant, thereby increasing the chances they'll listen and potentially return your call – or, as you’ll see in the next section, reply via a different channel.


Use case #6: Orchestrating multi-channel follow-ups

We've all been there: you leave a voicemail, and it feels like shouting into the void. But what if that voicemail was just the first step in a coordinated, multi-channel outreach strategy? This is where AI really shines, helping you create a dynamic, seamless, and consistent experience across all touchpoints.

Enter "combo prospecting," a term coined by sales expert Tony Hughes. The idea is simple but powerful: if your prospects aren't picking up the phone, use other channels to reinforce your message. AI takes this concept and supercharges it.

Here's how it works: You make a call and leave a voicemail. In that voicemail, you mention that you'll be sending a follow-up email. Sounds straightforward, right? But here's where AI elevates the game:

  1. Consistency across channels: AI ensures your messaging remains consistent, whether you're leaving a voicemail, sending an email, or reaching out on social media.
  2. Timing optimization: AI can determine the optimal time to send that follow-up email or social media message, maximizing the chances of engagement.
  3. Cross-channel tracking: Advanced AI systems can track interactions across all channels, giving you a holistic view of your prospect's engagement. This means you're always working with the most up-to-date information, regardless of which channel you're using.

This multi-channel, AI-orchestrated approach transforms your cold calling from a single moment in time into a comprehensive outreach strategy – and it’s an approach that’s backed by data. Research from found that leaving voicemail drops doubles your likelihood of getting replies to emails.

Remember, the goal isn't to bombard prospects with messages. It's about creating a cohesive, personalized experience that meets them where they are, whether that's on the phone, in their inbox, or on social media. By leveraging AI to coordinate these efforts, you're not just reaching out more - you're reaching out smarter.

Static sequencing can’t deliver on this: by default, it just doesn’t have the ability to adapt to channels or prospects’ behavior signals. Dynamic sequencing can – and AI makes that possible.

Use case #7: Transcribing calls

It’s always a good idea to go over past calls from time to time with your team. Doing this helps you refine your approach and improve at these calls to close more accounts. 

Now, instead of taking notes during the call (which might distract you) or re-listening to the call and transcribing manually (which takes a lot of time), you can use AI call transcription tools to do it all for you. They can accurately convert speech to text and summarize key points. Plus, AI surfaces common customer concerns, allowing you to develop better responses and anticipate potential roadblocks during future calls. 

Use case #8: Providing sentiment & conversation analysis

Imagine being able to dissect your sales pitches, communication style, and objection handling based on real call data you didn’t spend hours transcribing. The great news is that AI can do this, too. Using natural language processing (NLP), AI can evaluate the words and phrases spoken on a sales call to analyze things like the prospect's tone, sentiment, and key discussion points. This can surface valuable insights into the prospect's interests and motivations to help reps personalize future touchpoints.

For’s AI Dialer, specifically, the AI not only transcribes calls, but also provides summaries that tease out key insights about the conversations: this does include details like sentiment and conversation analyses, etc. The user can then push those insights to the CRM for managers to review and give feedback on as coaching opportunities.

This invaluable intel is a game-changer as it means you can improve your sales strategies and become a top-performing sales team in no time.

Use case #9: Upskilling sales reps through call insights & training

With the ability to understand conversations, AI can also evaluate sales calls across multiple dimensions like rapport building, objection handling, product knowledge, and more. AI can even help uncover each rep's strengths and weaknesses; this helps managers identify areas for improvement and create personalized recommendations for professional development.


Use case #10: Streamlining CRM updates & task management

Manual data entry is more than just tedious - it's a major drain on productivity. Reps often spend hours each week updating CRM records, logging call outcomes, and creating follow-up tasks. Obviously, this is time that could be better spent actually selling.

AI can transform this process. Here's how it works with the AI Dialer:

  • Automatic call logging: As soon as a call ends, AI can create a detailed record in your CRM, including call duration, outcome, and key discussion points.
  • Smart disposition: Based on the call's content, AI can automatically categorize the outcome (e.g., "interested," "not interested," "follow up needed").
  • Intelligent task creation: If a prospect asks to be contacted later, AI can automatically create a follow-up task with the right timing and context.
  • Activity summaries: At the end of each day or week, AI can generate comprehensive activity reports, saving managers hours of compilation time.

By automating these administrative tasks, AI frees up rep bandwidth so that they can focus on high-value activities that move the needle, like building relationships and closing deals.

Use case #11: Ensuring brand consistency & alignment

In large sales organizations, maintaining a consistent brand voice can be challenging. Different reps may emphasize different product features, use varying terminology, or stray from approved messaging. This inconsistency can confuse prospects and dilute your brand's impact. AI helps maintain brand consistency in several ways:

  • Approved language library: AI can draw from a centralized repository of approved messaging, ensuring all outreach aligns with current brand guidelines.
  • Dynamic script generation: While personalizing scripts for each prospect, AI ensures core brand messages and value propositions remain consistent.
  • Adaptation to brand updates: When brand messaging evolves, AI can immediately incorporate these changes across all outreach channels.

By keeping everyone "singing from the same sheet of music," AI helps present a unified, professional image to prospects, reinforcing your brand identity with every interaction.

Use case #12: Unifying your tech stack

The average sales team uses a dizzying array of tools: CRM systems, engagement platforms, data enrichment services, dialing solutions, and more. This fragmentation leads to inefficiencies, data silos, and steep learning curves for new team members. By contrast, AI-powered dialer platforms can serve as a central hub, integrating these disparate tools into a cohesive workflow. For example,'s AI Dialer, for example, combines sales engagement, intent data, phone systems, and dialing capabilities all in one place; this offers customers a number of benefits, including:

  • Cost savings: By consolidating multiple tools into a single AI-powered dialer platform, companies can substantially reduce their tech spend. This not only cuts down on direct software costs, but also reduces the overhead associated with managing and integrating multiple systems. Additionally, the efficiency and productivity gains from having a unified system can lead to indirect cost savings through better resource allocation and increased sales performance.
  • Unified interface: Reps can access all necessary functions from one dashboard, making it easier to view critical performance data at once without having to switch between multiple applications.
  • Data synchronization: Information flows seamlessly between systems, ensuring all tools are working with the most up-to-date data.
  • Intelligent routing: AI can automatically route leads to the right tool or process based on their characteristics or stage in the sales funnel.
  • Consolidated reporting: Get a holistic view of your sales activities and performance across all channels and tools.
  • Reduced training time: With fewer systems to learn, new reps can get up to speed faster.

Final thoughts

As we've explored, AI is poised to revolutionize the cold calling landscape, offering transformative solutions that address every aspect of the sales process. From prioritizing high-intent leads to orchestrating multi-channel follow-ups, AI isn’t just enhancing our existing workflows: it's reimagining them entirely.

The power of AI in cold calling lies in its ability to combine efficiency with personalization at scale. It's not about replacing the human touch; rather, it's about amplifying our capabilities as sellers. With AI handling the time-consuming tasks of data entry, call transcription, and initial personalization, we're free to focus on building meaningful relationships with our prospects.

As we look to the future, it's clear that AI will continue to play an increasingly vital role in sales. The question is no longer whether to adopt AI technologies, but how to leverage them most effectively. For those of us on the front lines of sales, this is an exciting time. We have at our fingertips tools that can make us more productive, more insightful, and ultimately more successful in our roles.

The future of cold calling is here, and it's smarter, more efficient, and more human than ever before.

Shameless plug: we recently launched our new AI Dialer!

Find out how it could completely transform your call channel

Learn about the AI Dialer

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